Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Unanswered Question

"Cause your eyes are the windows to heaven
Your smile could heal a million souls
Your love completes my existence
You're the other half that makes me whole
You're the only other half that makes me whole"
-from the song: Make Me Whole by Amiel Larriex

Getting into a relationship is like giving another person a VIP pass into your life. I am now wondering what are the things a person should consider and do to grant and be granted this VIP pass.

I met someone who believes in the saying, "carpe diem" or seize the day. He said that he won't waste time and doesn't believe in courtship because every second counts. Why waste time in courtship if you love the person?

Growing up in a conservative society makes it hard for women to get into a relationship that fast. But thinking about the modernization and the liberation in the Philippines, the only people who cares about courtship are the elders and our parents.

Seeing the people around me get in and out of a relationship makes me wonder if it is really worth the risk. I wonder why people still dare to be attached to another people when everybody else's love keeps on falling.

That question is still left unanswered.

Or maybe the reason why it is left unanswered is because of the fear of getting an answer.

I hope that I will soon be writing about how extravagant and extraordinary love can be. I wish that I will be able to answer that question.

Take the risk?
o leave it hangin'?

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