I was born Catholic. I guess my parents are not very religious. We don’t go to church every Sunday, we don’t pray together, we don’t do stuff like that. But I’m proud to say that I grew up in a Catholic School so I’m very much familiar with the bible. It just so happened that I don’t have faith in religion anymore. I’ve seen things, I have some experiences, read researches and history about the truth behind religion. I’ve seen the effect and diversion it created.
I have a Christian colleague. She said she feels that I am at doubt and there is emptiness inside me. Well, she concluded that it’s the lack of faith and relationship with God that I need. I told her about how I see religion and how it condemns the third sex. I told her about Sodom and Gomorrah. I told her how I see some religious people as hypocrites. I finally had the chance to tell her how I hate the way people, religious people, condemn gays and lesbians. I told her how I despise the fact that homosexuals will remain as a sinner in religions eyes.
I asked her how homosexuals become sinners if they were born gay. I believe I’ve never heard a single gay or lesbian tell people that they chose the way they are. They always tell us that it’s not a chosen path but its how they felt. Nobody chose to be a homosexual. It’s who they are and that’s what we should accept whole heartedly.
She told me one thing. One thing that I will never forget for the rest of my life. One thing that I know others should know. I know people who understands the way I feel will also feel the disgust that I felt when I heard her words: BEING GAY IS A CURSE.
She told me that the reason why homosexuals are born in a family is not because of genetics or the environment, she told me that if your ancestors were sinners, you will have a curse and for sure, one of your offspring are bound to turn out gay or lesbian. It’s the curse passed on to us because of the sins of Adam and Eve. Only way to end it is to repent and turn back to the Lord, accept Jesus as our Savior.
I condemn that belief. If that is true, then screw it! Who would curse people? Who would do such a horrible thing. Being homosexual is not a curse. I thought the when Jesus was crucified, He redeemed us and saved us? I thought we were all given a new start when He sacrificed His life for us?
So this means that homosexuals have to change who they are and what they are and accept the fact that they will never be happy for the rest of their lives just so they will be saved? Is it a sin to be born the way they are? If it is, why allow them to be born anyway? They will forever be condemned and will burn in hell just because they are different? If it is true that being homosexual is a curse, then God must be a cruel God.
I believe that God is not cruel and He is a loving father. A father is ready to accept his children, no matter what they are and what they believe in. I’ve read the story of the Prodigal Son. I believe that God is also like that, he forgives. So why not believe that God will forgive and accept homosexuals. I hope that people will stop mocking and looking at them like they are a pain in the society.
I will trust what I my heart and mind tells me. I will never trust the hypocrisy of religion anymore. I can’t trust those who teaches good and thinks bad. I trust that God will help me find a way to listen and to learn His ways even without religion.
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